Water Division
The Water Division of the East Bridgewater Department of Public Works is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the town’s water supply and distribution system. We are dedicated to providing, protecting and preserving this system in full compliance with all Federal and State requirements.
The division maintains the town’s five municipal wells , two green sand filtration plants, a 1.5 million gallon water storage tank, approximately 112 miles of water mains, more than 4,000 water service connections and over 1000 fire hydrants. Division personnel also read, install and maintain the water metering of the system, inspect and survey for back flow protection, perform bi-annual hydrant flushing and other associated programs.
​To report a water related emergency during normal working hours, contact the East Bridgewater DPW Water Division office at (508) 378-1619
To report a water related emergency at any other time, please contact the East Bridgewater Police Department.

How much does a small water leak lose and what does it cost?
This is how much water you would lose with a leak of varying sizes in a 3 month period.
Gallons lost Cubic feet lost Cost of lost water
1/4 inch hole (about the diameter of a pen cap) 1,181,500 158,000 $6636
1/8 inch hole (about this size O) 296,000 39,400 $1654
1/16 inch hole(about the size of a pen tip) 74,000 9.850 $413